针对水雷战对抗分布交互仿真系统可视化的需要,提出了一种适应水雷作战过程三维图像演示系统的综合设计方法。解决的关键技术有:使用三维建模工具C reator进行武器实体和海底地形三维建模、基于Vega解决了对海洋水下环境的模拟、采用动态实体列表的方法实现了武器实体的动态添加等。该文的研究成果已应用于水雷战对抗分布交互仿真项目中,用户反映该视景仿真系统的逼真性和实时性良好,具有推广应用价值。
For the requirement of distributed interaction simulation system of mine rivalry, an integrated design method for 3D scene simulation system of mine rivalry is presented. The key technologies involved are: weapon entities and seabed modeling using 3D modeling tool Creator, ocean environment and the sound of weapon entities simulation developed with Vega, dynamic addition for weapon entities through the method of dynamic list of entities. The results of this paper have been applied into the project of distributed interaction simulation system of mine rivalry, and users said that the fidelity and real - time of the scene simulation system are well and the technologies are worth popularizing.
Computer Simulation