效率是衡量银行资源配置和经营成效的重要指标,效率分析可以从定量的角度评价我国国有商业银行在改革过程中的经营水平和改革成效。本文采用非参数分析的数据包络分析方法DEA,使用C2R模型对我国国有商业银行进行了两组DEA分析。分析结果显示,我国国有商业银行改革有一定的成效,但阶段性非常明显,突出表现在 1994-1997年和2003-2004年。改革过程中的银行经营效率与政府的政策推动和扶持有相当紧密的关系。
Efficiency is an important indicator to measure the bank performance in resource allocation and operation. An analysis of efficiency can value the operating level and reform achievements in the course of reform of stateowned commercial banks in a quantitative way. In this paper, we adopt DEA (data envelopment analysis) method, which belongs to the non-parametric approach, using C2R model to analyze Chinese state-owned commercial banks on two groups of DEA analysis. The result reveals that there is some effect in the reform of Chinese state-owned commercial banks, but it varies in phases was most significant in 1994 - 1997 and 2003 -2004. It shows that the commercial operating efficiency in the course of reform and the policy support from the Government has a quite closed relationship.
Finance & Trade Economics