目的 了解长沙市城区中小学生生长发育和营养状况。方法 采用整群抽样方法,随机抽取长沙市3个区域内城区64229名中小学生进行体格发育测量,与2000年全国学生体质健康调查结果做比较,评价学生的营养状况。结果 长沙市城区除女生16、17岁组胸围外,各年龄组儿童体格发育平均水平明显低于全国水平。39.8%学生为正常体重,45.7%学生为营养不良和较低体重,14.5%学生为超重和肥胖。12~17岁学生中营养不良和较低体重发生率较高,7~ll岁学生中超重和肥胖发生率较高;女生营养状况较男生好。结论 长沙市中小学生的生长发育与营养状况均较差,有待进一步提高。
Objective To investigate the growth and nutritional status of primary and middle school students in the urban region of Changsha City. Methods Altogether 64,229 urban students randornly selected from three areas of Changsha City by cluster sampling survey were examined and compared with the Chinese students' physical standard in 2000 and had their nutritional status evaluated. Results Except the chest circumstance of girls aged 16 or 17 years, the physical development status of students in the different age groups was significantly lower than that of the Chinese standard. Only 39.8 % students were normal- weighted, 4.5.7% were malnutritious and low - weighted, and 14..5%. were overweighted or obesity. The prevalence of malnutrition and low - weight is high in the students among 12 - 17 years old. In contrast, the prevalence of overweighted or obesity was also high in students among the 7- 11 years old age group. Conclusions Among the primary and middle school students in urban areas of Changsha City, the growth and nutritional status are poor and it is essential to be improved.
Practical Preventive Medicine
Primary and middle school students
Urban area
Growth and development
Nutritional status