缘蝽科的比较形态学研究 Ⅲ(异翅亚目:缘蝽总科)李新正(中国科学院海洋研究所青岛266071)15棒缘蝽亚科(Pseudophloeinae)(图68—83)棒缘蝽类包括28个属,除VilgaStal为新世界分布,CeraleptusCosta和颗缘...
The basic characteristics of Coreidae are provided and a detail comparativemorphological study about the coreid tribed (or subfamily) is given in the present paper,including the aspects of head, thorax, abdomen, legs, wings, metathoracic scent gland,especially the male and female genitalia and the adjacent structures spermatheca, etc. 116 figures are appended. The tribes Acanthocorini, Anisoscelidini, Cloresmini, Colpurinae,Daladerini, Homoeocerini, Petascelidini and the American groups are proved as monophyletic groups respectively, and the tribe Anhomoeini, including only one genus, is proved a good tribe; it is uncertain whether the tribe Coreini is a monophyletic group, or notand the phylogenetic positions of the genera in this tribe need more studies; the generaSinodasynus, Chinadasynus, Dasynus, Dasynopsis and Paradasynus of the tribe Dasyniniaer very heterogenetic, Dasynini is a paraphyletic group; the tribe Gonocerini is a monophyletic group,but Plinachtus basalis must be excluded from this tribe; Manocoreini, Mecocnemini and Sinotagini[includes only one species, the another species,Sinotagus rubromaculus Hsiao, must be transferred into genus Anacanthocoris, the another species,ite characteristics, i. e.,Anacanthocoris rubromaculus (Hsiao)(n. comb.)]includes only one genus respectively their phylogenetic positions must be studied more;Hydarini(or Hydarinae)is a primitive and peculiar group; tribe Clavigrallini in subfamily Pseudophloeinae is a good tribe, but the systematic positions of the other genera of the subfamily were not certain ib the paper, the phylogeny of Pseydiogkieubae beeds further studies.
Comparative morphology