Objective To detect the change of serum ECP and IgE in children with bronchiolitis arid its effection on prognosis. Methods 72 cases of children patients with brunchiolitis were randomly selected, examined with serum ECP and IgE and followed by the recurrence of gasp. Results Levels of serum ECP and lgE were higher in acute phase than in both remission phase and the control group in the children with bronchiolitis, Level of serum IgE was still significantly higher in remission phase than that in control group, but of serum ECP there was no significant deference between remission phase and control group, Those with recurrent onset of bronehiolitis not only showed remarkable higher level of serum IgE than that in control group, but also than that in non - recurrent ehildrerl. Conclusion ECP and IgE participate in the proces of bronchiolitis, and serum IgE has a high value to early predict prognosis of patients with bronchiolitis.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal