在微波辐射下,以A lC l3.CuSO4固体超强酸为催化剂合成乙酸正戊酯。合成反应的最佳条件是:乙酸和正戊醇的物质的量比为1¨2.0,催化剂用量为1.50 g无水CuSO4和1.25 g无水A lC l3的混合物,微波输出功率为729W,反应时间为16 m in。在此反应条件下,乙酸的酯化率为95.6%,酯收率为89.6%。
The synthesis conditions of amyl acetate are studied in the presence of solid superacid AlCl3. CuSO4 as catalyst under microwave radiation. The best conditions are as follows:the mole ratio of acetic acid and 1-Pentanol is 1 : 2.0 (mol/mol), the amount of catalyst is the complex of Copper(Ⅱ) sulfate anhydrous 1.5 g and Aluminum chloride anhydrous 1.25 g,radiation power 729 W, reaction time 16 min. Under above conditions, 95. 6% of acetic acid is converted, the yield chloroacetates is 89.6 %.
Guangxi Sciences