通过对11年生樟子松和落叶松林分调查研究,结果表明:利用开沟或穴状整地方式营造的“两松”林分比全面整地方式造林的树木提前2 a进入高、径生长速生期。开沟整地的18年生樟子松每公顷蓄积量比常规整地的每公顷高出0.396倍。开沟整地的11年生落叶松林分,每公顷蓄积量比常规整地高出0.23倍。开沟整地方式的落叶松林分中土壤含水率为16.95%,比常规整地的高出2.9个百分点;容重比常规整地的减少0.29 g.cm-3,总孔隙度比常规整地的增加9.8个百分点。有机质、有效N、全N分别比常规整地的高出2.07、2.33、1.51倍。
Researches of investigation about 11-year-old stand of Larch and Pings sylvestris var. mongolica showed that stand of these two pine trees by furrowing and scrobiculalus soil preparation advance 2 years into fast-growing stage of tree height and diameter than trees with whole soil preparation. Amount of growing stock per hectare of 18-year-old Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica with furrowing soil preparation is 0.396 times higher per hectare than normal soil preparation. Amount of growing stock per hectare of 11-year-old Larch stand with furrowing soil preparation is 0.23 times higher per hectare than normal soil preparation. Soil moisture content of Larch stand with furrowing soil preparation is 16.95% and is 2.9% higher than normal soil preparation. Unit weight reduces 0.29g·cm^-3. Total porosity increases 9.8% than normal soil preparation. Organic matter, available nitrogen, total nitrogen is 2.07 times, 2.33 times and 1.51 times higher than normal soil preparation.
Protection Forest Science and Technology
stand quality
furrowing soil preparation
whole soil preparation