
基于知识的区域竞争优势来源及形成机理 被引量:3

On the Sources and Formation Mechanism of Regional Competitive Advantage Based on Knowledge
摘要 区域作为全球竞争中一种新的竞争单位,其竞争优势的来源问题已经成为目前研究的新课题。本文通过逐层剥离笼罩在区域竞争优势根源外围的因素,认为区域竞争优势最终来源于区域所拥有的知识;在应用组织知识理论对区域知识的类型和特征进行分析的基础上,探讨了基于知识的区域竞争优势形成的内在机理,并指出组份知识只能为区域带来暂时的竞争优势,而体系知识则能为区域提供持续的竞争优势。 The region has been a new competitive entity in the global competition, and the problem of sources of its competitive advantage becomes a new topic to be researched. After peeling off the peripheral factors covering the sources of regional competitive advantage, this paper suggests that regional competitive advantage roots in regional knowledge. Based on analyzing the types and characteristics of regional knowledge with organizational knowledge theory, the formation mechanism of regional competitive advantage based on regional knowledge is discussed. It is proposed that component knowledge can bring temporary competitive advantage for the region, while architectural knowledge can provide sustained competitive advantage for it.
作者 周群艳 田澎
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期940-943,954,共5页 Information Science
关键词 区域竞争优势 来源 形成机理 组份知识 体系知识 regional competitive advantage source formation mechanism component knowledge archi- tectural knowledge
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