

The Production Process of Polyurethane Materials Use in Tread
摘要 介绍了聚氨酯微孔弹性体鞋底材料的生产工艺过程,剖析了聚酯型鞋材和聚醚型鞋材等不同品种在性能上的差异性及其优劣程度,介绍了醚-酯混合型聚氨酯鞋底材料的发展状况,分析了降低密度、全水发泡及光降解变色等几个生产过程中的突显问题。 This paper focuses on the praduetion technology process of polyurethane microhole elastomer sole material. It gives a minute description to the performance difference and virtues or defect degree of different variety of polyester type and polyether type material of shoe. The text introduces the development condition of mixed type polyurethane sole material which comes from a kind of esterether. At the same time several outstanding problems during the production course of sole are emphasizedu such as cow density, fullwater foamer, and light degradation discoloring. It expands the importance of full water foaming from the environmental protection angle.
作者 王艾栓
出处 《山西化工》 2006年第3期52-54,共3页 Shanxi Chemical Industry
关键词 微孔聚氨酯弹性体 低密度 发泡 成型 耐滑性 光降解 micropore polyurethane elastomey low density foam processing smooth-resistance light degradation
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