
紫茎泽兰的化学防除及生态修复效果 被引量:25

Chemical control of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng and the effect on the ecological recovery
摘要 紫茎泽兰是我国重要的外来入侵生物,一旦入侵,就排挤当地物种,很快成为优势种群,在西南地区已对当地的农业、畜牧业,以及生态环境造成严重的破坏。2年的试验和示范结果表明,磺酰脲类除草剂嘧磺隆187.5~375g/hm2(有效成分,下同)、噻吩磺隆375g/hm2、氯嘧磺隆375g/hm2和吡啶类除草剂氨氯吡啶酸1080g/hm2对紫茎泽兰均有优异的防除效果。而2,4滴1500g/hm2、乙羧氟草醚150g/hm2、氟磺胺草醚500g/hm2、咪唑乙烟酸1500g/hm2、嗪草酸甲酯50g/hm2、环嗪酮2500g/hm2、氯草定750~1500g/hm2不能完全杀死紫茎泽兰。针对山区水源短缺,运水不便的的问题,通过在除草剂中加入2L/hm2机油乳油,采用很低容量喷雾法,用水量可由常量喷雾的900~1200L/hm2减少到30~40L/hm2,施药效率较常量喷雾提高8~10倍。此外,还可将除草剂制成颗粒剂或采用毒土法撒施,不需施药器械,且可以节省大量水运输费用。紫茎泽兰用上述除草剂防除后,能选择性地促进非靶标植物的生长。大面积防除2年后,生态恢复率为40%~90%。 The present paper is on a new method for extinguishing Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng; one of the worst invasive alien species into China. Once it invaded in the local fields, it would soon get rooted and settled down permanently and supplant the original species, which brings great harm to the local farm, husbandry, as well as the ecological environment, especially in the Southwest of China. After two years' investigation and experiments, the evil species has got controlled effectively due to our use of sulfonylurea herbicides, such as sulfometuron-methyl 187.5- 375 g/hm^2(activc ingredient, same as following rate), thifensulfurn-mcthyl 375 g/hm^2, and chlorimuron-ethyl 375 g/hm^2, and pyridines herbicides, such as piclorma 1 080 g/hm^2, though it can not yet he totally destroyed by using the above herbicides. On the condition that 2 L/hm^2 petroleum oil is mixed into the herbicides and mixed with very low volume (VLV) spraying compounds, water consumption can he reduced from 900 1 200 L/hm^2, while using high volume (HV) spraying, to 30 - 40 L/hm^2. Thus, the efficacy can be improved by 8 to 10 times compared to HV spraying. In addition, the above effective herbicides can be made into granule or herbicide mixed with sand for ground use with no need to use water or any other spraying device. As a result of the successful use of such agents, the local non-target plants get recovered with the killing of E. adenophorum Spreng. The ratio of ecological recovery proved to reach 40 % - 90 % after two years' continuous actions of controlling.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 2006年第3期80-85,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 农业部2003年农业结构调整重大技术研究专项资助项目(20031104A)
关键词 杂草学 紫茎泽兰 外来入侵生物 除草剂 应用技术 weed sciences Eupatorium aden, ophorum Spreng invasivc alien species herbicides application technology
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