探讨了臭氧氧化技术处理分散蓝染料模拟废水的影响因素———溶液pH值、染料初始质量浓度和臭氧投加量等对其的影响.实验结果表明:当pH=9,初始质量浓度为100 mg/L,臭氧投加量为0.04 m3/h,温度控制在20℃时处理效果最佳,染料脱色率为99%,TOC去除率为17%.对比了单独超声、超声协同臭氧氧化分散蓝染料的处理效果.研究表明单独超声对分散蓝染料几乎没有处理效果;与单纯臭氧氧化相比,超声协同臭氧氧化速度快,染料分解彻底,溶液的颜色迅速消失.最佳实验条件下,经超声强化臭氧氧化5 min后的脱色率大于99%,处理60 min后TOC去除率为23%.
The influence of the solution PH value, initial dye concentration and ozone concentration on the ozonation of the disperse blue 2BLN was investigated. The results indicated that the removal efficiency was optimum when the pH value was 9, the initial concentration was 100 mg/ L and the ozone content of 0.04 m^3/h at 20℃. Under these conditions the decoloration rate was 99% and TOC removal was 17%. The decoloration effect by using ultrasound alone, the ozonation and the ozonation with ultrasonic enhancement has been studied. The decoloration of dye solutions by using ultrasound alone was inefficient, while that by using the ozonation enhanced by ultrasound was more rapid than that by the ozonation alone. The decoloration rate was over 99% after 5 min and TOC removal was 23% after 60 min by the ozonation with ultrasonic enhancement at the optimal operation conditions.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology