The region of main stream of Yangtse River is a bout 2800 km.long, Wsinding its way from Yibin in the west to Shanghai in the east, streching across all China's three economical belts:the East、Middle and West Ecollominal Belt,covering 4.3% of countrg's area.It means great strategic significace to China.From now on,the communicatiens network construction should cet the objective of finishing building the communications network pattern of 'Nine Longitudinal Lines.One Horizontal Lines',which takes the main of Yangtse River as axle and takes Yibin.Chongqing.Wanxian、Zhicheng、Wnhan'、Jiujiang、Wuhu、Nanjing、Jiaugyin as junctures.Construction on the main Passage along the Yangtse River in cludes deepening navigation lines and constrcring railways and high rank highways along the River.At the same time strengthen building longitudinal railways highuways and inland nayigation lines,forming seveal water-land transportations hubs,speed up constructing trunk airPorts and branch airPorts,including fottr international airPorts in Shanghai、Nanjing、Wuhan and Chongqing respesctively.
Economic Geography