

Performace analysis of pre-equalization for uplink TDD/MC-CDMA systems
摘要 TDD/MC-CDMA充分利用了慢衰落信道环境下上行链路和下行链路之间的强相关性,通过将在下行链路获得的信道信息运用在移动终端对预发送数据进行预均衡,使得基站从上行链路接收到经过预均衡的数据后可以免去原本需要的均衡操作,简化了基站的复杂性,同时减少了可能对噪声放大的不利影响。对最大比合并、等增益合并、迫零均衡、控制均衡、最小均方误差均衡等几种信道预均衡技术进行比较并介绍了移动终端功率控制的办法,通过计算机仿真得出了几种信道预均衡技术的性能比较。 TDD/MC-CDMA exploits the strong correlation between up-and downlink channel conditions of the slowly time-varying channels,through the performance of pre-equalization of the channel influence on the signal at mobile terminal ,which is based on the channel estimation from thē downlink signal the base station receive pre-equalised signal from uplink and don't need equalising again, which was needed before using pre-equalization techniques. So simplifies the complexity of base station and decreases the bad influence on the system, which may result from amplification of noise. In this paper we compare severl different pre-e- qualization techniques i. e. MRC, EGC, ZF, MMSE and the method that keeps mobile terminal transmitting power in the same way as in the case without pre-equalization is introduced. Through computer, simulation of the performance of the TDD/MC-CDMA system achieved with different pre-equlizaion techeniques is presen- ted.
作者 王松 谢建菲
出处 《陕西理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第2期14-18,35,共6页 Journal of Shananxi University of Technology:Natural Science Edition
关键词 TDD MC-CDMA 上行链路 预均衡 TDD MC-CDMA uplink pre-equalization
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