通过对采用不同粘结剂的3组冷固结合碳球团的物化性能、冶金性能的试验检测,以及固定床、移动床竖炉模拟 COREX 预还原的试验研究,探讨了冷固结含碳球团用于 COREX 工艺的可行性。试验结果表明,冷固结合碳球团的化学成分和高温冶金性能均能满足 COREX 预还原的要求,并可以提高整个 COREX 工艺的生产率,但其机械强度有待进一步提高。
The physicochemical and metallurgical properties of the three types of cold bonded carbon-containing briquttes were measured through the evalu-. ation test.By the simulated test of COREX prereduction on fixed-bed and movable bed shaft furnaces,the feasibility of the application of briquettes to COREX process was explored.The testing result demonstrated that the briquette's chemical compo- sition and high temperature metallurgical properties can meet the requirements of COREX prereduction and enhance the COREX productivity as well,but its mechan- ical strength should be improved.
Baosteel Technology