'Looking for the cutting edge ofstem cell science? Instead of Stanfordor Cambridge or Singapore, considerShenzhen.' says a story published inBusinessWeek's March 31th issue.Shenzhen, a southern metropolisbordering Hong Kong, is investingheavily on its biotech industry and sets to become a national and evenglobal biotech center. The local administrative has invested 90 millionyuan to establish a bio incubator which provides excellent environmentfor the start-up biotech companies. By April 2006, the bio incubator hasattracted 45 biotech companies and applied for over 80 patents. The ampleprivate capital and venture capital active in Shenzhen also provide thecrucial finance support to the bio companies. Last year, Shenzhen recordedaround 20 billion yuan in the biotech sector and experts believe the sectorwill grow to 70-100 billion yuan by 2010, becoming another pillar industryfor Shenzhen.
China Entrepreneur