
大学生学习动机的测量及其与自我效能感的关系 被引量:358

The Measure of Learning Motivation and the Relationship Between It and Self-Efficacy of College Students
摘要 以270名大学生为被试,对Amabile等人编制的学习动机量表进行修订以确定其对中国被试的适用性,此外还探讨了大学生学习动机与一般自我效能感及领域专门的自我效能感之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)学习动机量表可以明确区分成用于测量内生和外生动机的两个分量表,前者包括挑战性和热衷性两个维度,后者包括依赖他人评价、选择简单任务、关注人际竞争和追求回报等四个维度。两个分量表的多种信效度指标都十分理想,表明可用于对中国被试的有关研究。(2)男生的内生动机总分显著高于女生,而在外生动机总分上性别差异不显著。具体来看,男女生在挑战性和依赖他人评价两个维度的得分存在显著差异,男生的挑战性高于女生,而女生比男生更依赖他人评价。(3)被试一般的和领域专门的效能感都与内生动机呈正相关,而与外生动机无关。具体来看,效能感与内生和外生动机各维度中的挑战性、热衷性和关注人际竞争呈正相关,与选择简单任务呈负相关。 Data were collected from a sample of 270 college students with the Working Motivation Inventory (WMI) and General and Domain-Special Self-Efficacy Scale. Firstly WMI was revised and its reliability and validity were tested; then the relationship of self-efficacy and learning motivation was examined. The results showed : ( 1 ) the revised WMI had a good construct validity and reliability; (2) there were gender differences on challenge and depending on others' evaluation: the males challenged more difficulties than the females, and the females more depended on others' evaluation than the males; (3) both general and domain-special self-efficacy positively correlated with intrinsic motivation, challenge and enjoyment; negatively correlated with selection of simple task.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期64-70,共7页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(05CSH014)
关键词 大学生 学习动机 效能感 内生动机 外生动机 college student learning motivation self-efficacy intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation
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