目的了解娱乐服务业从业女性的就医行为和健康需求,为开展对该人群的干预措施提供依据。方法以性病门诊为基点,采用匿名问卷调查和半结构式访谈相结合方式调查。应用SPSS 8.0软件进行资料统计处理。结果回收有效问卷258份。4.33%从业女性定期查体,19.69%有危险性行为后去检查,72.05%感觉不好才去检查,尚有7.87%从不去检查;选择医疗单位的主要根据和最重要根据,59.05%和38.79为医疗水平高低,43.97%和21.50%为收费高低;因性传播感染(STI)就诊时,43.38%首次就诊的医疗单位是个体诊所,最后确诊的医疗单位个体诊所仅占4.25%。目前的健康需求排在前2位的是健康查体及必要的化验(70.17%)和健康咨询(57.14%)。结论应加强STI防治知识的宣传,提高娱乐服务业;从业女性的就医态度,规范个体诊所的诊疗行为,引导她们到正规医院就诊。
Objective To determine the health seeking behavior and health requirement among female commercial sex workers(CSWs)in entertainment businesses in Qingdao, and to provide basis for developing prevention for them. Methods Manking friedns with STI patients clouding sex workers, their clients and othrers persons who knew entertainment businesse very weeU, then went to the places where sex workers worked and provided them the reproductive health information, asked them came in STI clinic for being checked and treated. Self-administrated anonymous surveys and half-format surveys were carried out, and analyzed with SPSSS. 0. Results 258 questonnaires were collected. 4.33 % had a regular physical examination at peace time, 19.69 % made physical examination after risk sex behavior, 72.05 % made physical examination when they felt sick, 7.87 % never make a physical examination;The main basis and the most important basis to select hopital: 59. 05 % and38.79 % were the level of the medical treatment of a hospital, 43.97 % and 21.50 % were the charg; 43.38 % whose first choice of seeking STI medical service were individual clinic, but only 4.25 % were diagnosed in individual clinic. The first two health requirement at present were physical examination and necessary test( 70.17% )and health consultation( 57.14 % ). Conclusion The propaganda of STI prevention knowledge, CSWs' health seeking attitude, medical service of individual clinic and CSWs' correct behavior of seeking medical servic should be improved.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
female commercial sex workers(CSW)
health seeking attitude
health seeking behavioral