Objective To detect expression of the hTERT ( human telomerase rcverse transcriptase) activity in human BGC- 823 gastric adenoma cells and to study the hTERT practical value in the clinic. Methods Using the ELISA (the enzyme-linked immunosorbent ashy) examined the activity of human telomerase reverse transcriptase in the splitting liquid of the gastric adenoma cells. Results The number of the examing cells being 5×10^6/50μL, the result was impossible telomerase -positive. The number being 1× 10^7/50μL was telomerase- positive. The number being 2.5 × 10^6 / 50μL and 1.25 ×10^6/50μL were all telomerase - negative. Conclusion Though detecting the activity of telomerase hTERT, explained that the telomerase is a kind of tumor marker in the human gastric adenoma cells. Using the ELISA method can accurate and convenient detect the activity of the telomerase.
Journal of Jinzhou Medical College