随着人们生活水平的不断提高和社会进一步向高级阶段的发展,一个以休闲为基础的社会消费趋势即将出现,一个大众化的休闲时代正在到来。天津市政府提出:应“充分发挥山、河、湖、海、泉资源齐备和近现代历史文化资源丰富的优势,突出历史文化名城和现代化港口城市特点,深度开发特色旅游资源,把天津建设成为环渤海乃至北方地区最具吸引力的休闲旅游中心城市之一。”该战略对促进天津经济和社会的快速发展具有极为重要的战略意义。要想在“十一五”时期将天津建成“北方休闲旅游中心城市”,就应以战略创新为突破口, 确立相应的战略目标和政策体系,促进天津旅游业进入一个崭新的发展阶段。
With the improvement of people's living standard and the further development of society, a tendency of social consumption on basis of leisure and an era of mass rest and recreation are coming. The Tianjin government proposed that we should make full use of the advantages of abundant modern historic culture resources and complete natural resources in mountain, river, lake, sea, and fountain, and stand out the character of Tianjin as a historic and cultural city, a modern port city, so as to open up special tourism resources deeply, and build it into one of the most attractive rest and recreation center for tourism in Bohai Ring Area, even in northern China. The plan has very important strategic significance for promoting economic and social development if we want to realize the strategic design during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period. Thus we should take the strategic innovation as a breakthrough and establish the relevant strategic targets. Such strategic measure will undoubtedly bring Tianjin's tourism industry into a new developing stage.
Journal of Tianjin Administration Institute