Objective To approach the innovation of forensic materials education and observe the shape and size of drip blood stain dropped in different heights,speeds on nine kinds object. Methods Anticoagulation blood was dropped in static or movable conditions. The drip bloodstain was observed. The diameter was measured. The data were analyzed by spss 12.0 statistic software. Results In static conditions, the drip bloodstain was shape dround with stings on edge. There were linear relationship between the diameter and height,which could deduce linear formula on seven kinds object. In movable conditions, the drip blood stain appeared as round or ellipse with stings on one side along direction of motion. Height or speed influenced the shape and size of drip bloodstain. Height and speed interacted on the shape and size of drip bloodstain on cement ground. Gonclusion By the experimental study of drip bloodstain we could gain satisfactory effect in criminal scene investigation and education.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques