Objective To improve knowledge of intraeranial vessel injury which is a rare complication of trans-sphenoidal surgery (TSS) for lesions of cerebral region. Methods 8 patients who underwent TSS for lesions of cerebral region occurred intracranial vessel injury during 1964-2001. 6 patients of them occurred subarachnoid hemorrhage, 1 patient occurred anterior intereavernous sinus hemorrhage and 1 thrombus of internal carotid artery. The clinical data of all patients were analyzed and methods of prevention and treatment were discussed. Results The rate of intracranial vessel injuries was 4 percent. The reason for SAH hemorrhage was residues of tumor in 2 patients and damaged cerebra and arachnoid in 4 patients. The hemorrhage of anterior intereavernous sinus was malformation of anterior intereavernous sinus. The reason of thrombus of internal carotid artery was manipulation of operation. 2 patients died and 5 patients were cured and 1 patient lived with hemiplegia. Conclusion The injury of intraeranial vessels is a rare complication of TSS. The more familiar with anatomy of cerebra and more skillful with TSS, the less the complication occurred.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health