目的:探讨胸骨上举(Ravitch术式)治疗儿童漏斗胸的效果.方法:回顾分析1989-07~2005-04 75例儿童漏斗胸采用改良的Ravitch术式,胸骨上举,胸骨后钢板支架固定和随访病例资料,参阅国内外文献,进行分析研究.结果:除2例早期钢板移位,术后3 d内再次手术固定外,其余患儿手术过程均很顺利,术后愈复良好.66例随访0.5~11a,除3例前胸壁轻度凹陷外,其余患儿胸廓外观正常.患儿生长发育及运动能力均与正常同龄儿基本相同.结论:儿童漏斗胸采用改良Ravitch术式,胸骨上举,胸骨后钢板固定,无不良合并症,矫形效果满意.微创Nuss术式为一种新方法,合并症较多,但兼有矫形和美容功效,有待今后开拓、优化.
Objective:To investigate the effect of elevating stermum on the congenital pectus excavatum. Methods:75 cases of children congenital pectus excavatum were treated by modified traditional Ravitch procedure: elevating sternum stabilized with the steel bar behind sternum and the data of follow-up were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Except two cases of the bar displacement early in postoperation, the operations in other patients were successful with good repair and no complication. 66 cases were followed up for 1/2 to 11 years. The chest walls were normal except for 3 cases of slight introcession of anterior chest wall. Conclusions:The children congenital pectus excavatum treated by modified Ravitch procedure showed no complication and good orthopedic effect.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics