
尿动力学质量控制(Ⅰ):典型值范围的建立及其在实时定量质量控制中的作用 被引量:7

Urodynamic quality control (part I):establishment of typical value ranges and its role in real-timequantitative control
摘要 目的 通过分析尿动力学数据建立典型值范围(TVR),并验证其在实时定量质量控制中的作用.方法 对181例下尿路症状患者进行582次尿动力学测定,分析膀胱充盈前、开始和结束时以及排尿后的膀胱压(Pves)、腹压(Pabd)、逼尿肌压(Pdet)、膀胱容积(MCC)、最大尿流率(Qmax)、排尿量(Vvoid)和膀胱顺应性(BC),计算各参数的平均数、标准差及中位数,建立各参数的TVR,对与TVR相关的各种技术错误进行分类,并举出范例.结果 初始静息状态下P ves、Pabd及Pdet的50%TVR分别为31~42、28~39及0~4 cm H2O(1 cm H2O=0.098kPa),相关技术错误被分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ型,发生率分别为9.8%(57/582)、4.5%(26/582)和1.4%(8/582).MCC和BC的50%TVR分别为157~345 ml和26.6~70.8 ml/cm H2O;排尿期Qmax、Pdet.Qmax和V void的50%TVR分别为5.5~9.0 ml/s,57~92 cm H2O和167~315 ml.单纯尿流率测定中Qmax和V void各为8.0~9.2 ml/s和167~301 ml.排尿中和排尿末的技术错误分为Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ型,发生率分别为0.7%(4/582)、1.9%(11/582)和1.4%(8/582).结论 TVR对于尿动力学数据的可靠性检查和质量控制是不可缺少的有效工具,可用于尿动力学测定过程中的实时定量质量控制. Objective To establish typical value ranges (TVR) by analyzing cystometry data,and to verify their roles in real-time quantitative quality control. Methods Totally ,582 data sets of free flow, filling, and voiding from cystometry 181 males( age range,43 -86 years)in a strictly quality-controlled study were analyzed for P Pzbd and Pdet, before, at beginning and end of filling,and after voiding, cystometric capacity (MCC) , Qmax and Vvold, and compliance. The mean values, standard deviation, median and various TVRs of these parameters were calculated. Technical errors related to TVR were classified and examples given. Results 50% TVRs for initial resting P Psbd and Pdet, were 31 -42,28 - 39 and 0 -4 cm H2O (1 cm H2O = 0. 098 kPa),respectively. Various technical errors were classified into type Ⅰ :normal initial Pdet, but both Pves, and Pabd were wrong;type Ⅱ :negative initial Pdet, ;and type Ⅲ :too high initial Pdet The incidences of types Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ errors were 9.8% (57/552) ,4.5% (26/582) and 1.4% ( 8/582 ) ,respectively. 50% TVRs for MCC and compliance were 157 -345 ml and 26.6 -70.8 ml/cm H2O;50% TVRs for Qmax p, Pdet,Qmax and Vveid were 5.5 - 9.0 ml/s,57 - 92 cm H2O and 167 - 315 ml, respectively. Qmax and Vvoid in free flow were 8.0 -9.2 ml/s and 167 -301 ml. During and after voiding,3 typical errors were found: type Ⅳ :negative Pzbd ;type Ⅴ : Pves, and Pdel after voiding still high;type Ⅵ:Pves and Pdet, negative;the incidences of types IV, Ⅴ and Ⅵ errors were 0.7% (4/582), 1.9% ( 11/582 ) and 1.4% ( 8/582), respectively. Conclusions TVRs in urodynamics are indispensable and effective tools for quantitative plausible check and quality control on data. They are sensitive and reliable indicators for correct measurement and a relevant contribution to a collection of normal values,
出处 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期296-299,共4页 Chinese Journal of Urology
关键词 尿动力学 质量控制 典型值范围 Urodynamics Quality control Typical value range
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