1Adriarma Senior. 40% of New Core System Were Outsourced Last Year. American Banker, Wednesday July 14, 1999, p.14. 被引量:1
2The Dun & Bradstreet Barometer Global Outsourcing Survey in Fortune, Special Supplement, Outsourcing, July 20, 1998. 被引量:1
3Bank Services Company Act (Public Law 87 - 856, October 23,1962 as amended - Title 12, U.S. Code, Sec. 1861 et seq. 被引量:1
4Interagency Statement on EDP Service Contracts for Financial Institutious ( Web site - www. bog. frb. fed. us Supervision and Regulation Letter SR 90 - 5). 被引量:1
5Federal Reserve Bank of New York Supervisory Letter dated March 29, 1995. 被引量:1
6Web site - www. bog. frb. fed. us Supervision and Regulation Letter SR 95 - 48 SPE. 被引量:1