思维风格(mind style)在文体学研究中专指认知状态在语言形式上的表现。这一概念由Fowler首先提出,后经Leech&Short,Semino&Swindlehurst以及Semino等学者的发展而逐步完善。思维风格研究大致可分为传统研究和认知分析两大类。传统的思维风格研究倾向于语言研究,以语言理论和语言分析为基础来推断概念结构和认知,研究领域主要涉及词汇、语法和及物性选择等。随着认知语言学的发展,思维风格研究已发生了明显的认知转向。隐喻、认知和思维风格的关系得到了认识,隐喻理论、图示理论与混成理论等认知理论开始用于探讨人物的思维风格。综合传统研究与认知研究两种模式的优点,兼及思维风格本身特点,对于小说人物思维风格的把握,语言研究与认知分析相结合应该是更为理想的方法。
In stylistics, mind style refers to human cognition represented in language forms. The concept was first put forward by Fowler and was further developed and perfected by such scholars as Leech & Short, Semino & Swindlehurst, and Semino. Generally speaking, there are two approaches to the studies of mind style: the traditional linguistic approach and the recent cognitive approach. Traditional studies are exclusively linguistic; they mainly cover choices of vocabulary, grammar, transitivity and so on. With the development of cognitive research, studies of mind style are turning to cognitive analysis. Scholars are interested in the relationship among metaphor, cognition and mind style. Cognitive metaphor theory, blending theory and schema theory have been applied in the exploration of mind styles. Taking advantages of both linguistic and cognitive studies of mind style, we think that a combination of the two will be the best way to explore the mind styles of literary characters.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)