为了估算梅花鹿(Cervusnippon)巢区面积和内部利用以及雌雄个体间的比较,于1993-1997年在日本国日光国立公园使用无线电遥测定位法测定了8头成年雌鹿和4头雄鹿(包括1头亚成年)在森林生境中的活动定位点。按照当地梅花鹿离开和返回越夏地的日期,使用每年6月1日至10月25日的无线电遥测定位数据,采用定值核心法(Fixed kernel)计算了梅花鹿的夏季巢区面积和内部利用密度分布。梅花鹿雄鹿夏季巢区面积(192·5±50·5 hm2)显著大于雌鹿(115·7±56·7 hm2,P=0·017) ,其半家区面积(HRS0·50)和核心区面积(HRS0·25)也显著大于雌鹿(依次为P=0·027和P=0·042) ,但巢区内部利用集中度指标Ah(HRS0·50/HRS0·95)和Ac(HRS0·25/HRS0·50)在雌雄鹿之间没有显著性差异(依次为P=0·999和P=0·234)。在无线电遥测的12头梅花鹿中, 11头个体的巢区为单核心型,只有1头成年雄鹿的巢区为双核心型。11头梅花鹿个体的混合数据显示巢区面积和体重之间存在显著性相关(P=0·049) [动物学报52 (2) : 235 -241 , 2006]。
Home range size and inner utilization of sika deer Cervus nippon were compared between female and male deer. Eight adult females and 4 males including 1 subadult sika deer were radio-tracked in the Nikko National Park, central Japan, during 1993 - 1997. According to the onset and return dates of migration between summer and winter ranges of local sika deer, telemetry fixes obtained during 1 June through 25 October were used to calculate summer home range sizes and inner utilization by the fixed kernel method. Males had on average larger home range sizes than females ( Mean ± SD: 192. 5 ±50.5 vs. 115.7 ±56.7 hm^2 respectively, P = 0.017), and the same for central-half-home-range ( HRS0.50, P = 0.027) and core area ( HRS0.25, P = 0. 042). However, there was no statistical difference between male and female sika deer in defined inner concentration indices of Ah (HRS0.50/HRS0.95, P = 0. 999) and Ac (HRS0.25/ HRS0.50, P = 0. 234). For all 12 monitored sika deer, 11 of them used singular core-area and only 1 adult male deer used double core-area in home range. Home range size and body weight were significantly correlated for pooled data of all monitored adult sika deer ( P = 0.049) .
This research was funded by the grant (No.P97120) from Management Plan of Tochigi Prefecture ,Japan,and post-doctorate project to Dr.Yu-chun Li of JSPS