Objeetive..To analyze respectively CT and MRI findings of tubo-varians masses. Methods:Sixty-five cases of tubo-ovarian masses proved by pathological examination were analyzed. All cases underwent CT scan,and 19 of them received MRI examinations. Results:①Primary and metastatic ovarian tumors(n= 18) showed: cystic or cystic-solid masses, some combined with pelvic organs and pelvic sidewall invasion, lymphadenectasis, and peritoneum linear enhancement in string shape;②metastatic ovarian tumors (n= 11) were characterized by thickening of mesenterium and omentum, and peritoneum linear enhancement in string shape;③Adenofibroma (n= 2) exhibited similar uterus density on CT and lower signal intensity on MRI (both T1W1 and T2WD; ④ Thecomas (n= 3) were cystic or solid, the lauer showed granular enhancement;⑤ Teratomas (n = 14 ) were the most special, characterized by possessing multitissues ; ⑥ Tubo-ovarian abscesses (n= 3) and tuberculosis (n = 3) manifested inhomogeneous soft tissue masses mimicking ovarian neoplasm;⑦ fallopian tube pregnancies(n=2) took up masses in round or cord shape,the low density loci can be found out of the midst of the masses. Condusion.:①Ovarian tumors usually display some characteristics on CT and MRI,peritoneal linear and nodular enhancement were important signs for malignant ovarian tumors;②teratoma possesses its special characters; ③chronic tubo-ovarian abscess or prolife-rative tuberculosis resemble ovarian tumors;④fallopian tube pregnancy happening in child-bearing period woman is sometimes difficult to diagnose if only depending on CT or MRI.
Radiologic Practice
Tomography,X-ray computed
Magnetic resonance imaging
Ovarian neoplasms