JFL De Nul号,世界上最大的挖泥船,正在管道铺装的大规模挖泥作业中创造着新的记录。通过从海底切挖出大量的泥沙和砾石,为油轮疏浚出安全的航道,或支持管道的海底铺设工作,这在许多海上项r目或港口项目的施工中,都是至关重要的组成部分。
The JFL De Nul, the world's biggest dredging vessel, is setting new standards in large-scale dredging for pipelay and construction.Scraping and dredging huge volumes of sand and gravel from the sea floor to clear channels for safe passage of oil tankers, or laying pipelines is a vital part of many offshoreand harbour projects.
Oil & Gas Technology