设计了MINI型集散控制系统,利用一台计算机作为监控工作站,用两台可编程控制器PLC, 分别控制了升降机的运行程序,并给出了集散控制系统框图。介绍了PLC与通用监控系统MCGS组态软件的通信连接,并对升降机进行实时监控的新技术。该系统具有通用性强、调试方便、运行安全可靠等特点,具有广阔的应用前景。
A MINI type of distributed control system was designed. By using a computer as monitoring and control station, and two programmable logical controllers (PLC), separately control the operation procedures of the lifter and the frame diagram of the distributed control system was given. Introduction was made to communication and connection of PLC and monitor and control generated system (MCGS) group state software as well as to the new technique of real-time monitoring and control for the lifter. The system is stronger in general usage, convenient in commissioning, safe and reliable in operation etc features and with wide application prospect.
distributed control
programmable logical controller
monitoring and control system