OBJECTIVES:To observe the pharmacological effect of baoshi mingmu oral liquoron experimental animals MLTHODS:The following four sets of experiments were carried out:A.life test of radiution-damaged mice;B,the effect on the superoxide dismutase(SOD)in the eyesand blood of rats,C,the effect of the resistance against oxygen deficiency of mice with Ying defi-ciency; D,the effect on the resistance against tiredness of mice in swimming test. RESULTS:Baoshi mingmu oral liqtior can increase mice's resistance against radiation-damage,increase theactivity of SOD in rats, prolong the lifetlme of mice with Ying deficiency obviously in oxygen defi-cient conditions and the lifetime of mice in the swimming test.CONCLUSION: The medicine canpostpone the decline of ocular tissue, increase the resistance against radiation-damage andtiredness, nourish Ying and complement Qi.This provide some pharmacological evidence for clinical treatment of asthenopia.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology