开发了一种用含Cu2+的溶液吸收H2S,并用Cu2+自氧化CuS制取硫磺的新工艺,Cu2+的还原产物CuC l2-由空气氧化再生,实现循环。考察了Cu2+浓度与净化效率的关系,研究了Cu2+、H+、助剂N的浓度和温度对Cu2+氧化CuS效率的影响及H+、助剂N的浓度、空塔气速和温度对Cu2+空气氧化再生效率的影响。结果表明,该技术对H2S废气净化效率100%,Cu2+氧化CuS及Cu2+空气氧化再生条件温和、效果好,终产物硫磺纯度高。
A new technology of removing H2S with solution containing Cu^2+ was developed in this thesis, CuS produced was oxidized by superfluous Cu^2+ and Cu^2+ can be recovered from the oxidation reaction of CuCl2 with air, then the circulation was totally realized. The relationship between the concentration of Cu^2+ and the removal efficiency of H2S was investigated, so did the effect on the oxidation rate of CuS by Cu^2+ influenced by the concentration of Cu^2+ , H^+ and the additive N, furthermore the function of the concentration of H ^+ and the additive N, superficial velocity, temperature to the regeneration rate of Cu^2+ was studied. The purification efficiency of H2S can reach to 100% and the operating condition required by the oxidation of CuS and Cu ^+ is conventional. The sulfur with high purity was produced in this process.
Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control