采用DTOPSIS分析法,以2004年国家北方青贮玉米品种区域试验结果为依据,对参试青贮玉米品种进行了评价。结果表明:DH5554品种评价值最高,为0.932 5;其次为精饲736和晋单42品种,评价值分别为0.865 6和0.861 4,适合北方种植,与当前生产表现一致。
The DTOPSIS analytical method is to integrate various characters of tested cultivars into one comparative measurable index, by which the experimental result analysis turns to be more scientific, rational and easier to calculate. Taking the data from Northern National Silaged Corn Cuhivars Test in 2004 as example, the evaluation is made on tested cuhivars. The result shows that the DI-I5554 is the highest value of 0. 932 5, Jingsi 736 listed the second and Jindan 42 the third with the values of 0. 865 6 and 0. 861 4 respectively. The three cuhivars are suitable to grow in Northern China and consistent with current production behaviors.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences