介绍了基于J2EE平台的MVC模式的软件开发思想,着重阐述了J2EE和MVC模式的结合,提出了一种基于J2 EE平台和MVC模式的企业级应用开发方法,且以该方法实现一个虚拟的在线电子政务系统为例,来具体阐述其开发的具体步骤和技术细节。该系统具有设计清晰、模块性强等特点,有着良好的可扩展性和伸缩性。
This paper introduces the MVC pattern and J2EE, emphases the combination of J2EE and MVC pattern, and provides a kind of method for developing enterprise level application based on J2EE and MVC. It realizes a virtual online E -Governance system and discusses the developing steps and related technologies in details. The system has many characteristics, such as clearness in designation, effect in modularity, easiness in expansibility and so on .
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College