Objective: To study density difference of symmetrical organs images between the left and right and explain consistency of X-ray intensity distribution on the short axis of X-ray tube. Methods: On a line across the short center axis of X-ray tube, three points (center point, point close to verge inside, point close to verge outside) were determined, the skin doses of three points were measured. Results: Corresponding to the exposure field of 10cm×12.5cm, 12.5cm×17.5cm, 20cm×25cm, 25cm×30cm, the doses of point close to verge inside were 2.47, 1.40, 2.10, 2.74μGy, the ones of points close to verge outside, 14.26, 11.46, 19.61, 4.98μGy respectively. Conclusion: ①The dosage outside exposure field on X-ray short axis is higher than inside; ②The X-ray intensity on X-ray short axis is not identical.
Journal of Medical Imaging
X-ray short axis, X-ray intensity distribution