Solasodine was extracted by the method of ethanol extraction - acid and ethanol hydrolysis, then analyzed qualitively and quantitatively by HPLC equipped with mass detector and UV detector. By detecting solasodine, the content of steroidal alkaloid and its formation and variation in the fruit of Solalum Nigrum L. during the growth is learned. Analyses "of the immature fruit, stem and leaf of Solalum Nigrum L. confirmed that steroidal alkaloid was most dominant [ w (steroidal alkaloid) = 3.52% ] in its immature fruit and only minor in its stem and leaf( mass percent less than 0. 5% ). The content of steroidal alkaloid in the fruit of Solalum Nigrum L. changes with its growth circle. One month after the fruit come into being, the mass percent of steroidal alkaloid arrived the peak value, then it decreased to minimum once the fruit is completely mature. The time of growth and sunlight are important factor for the formation of steroidal alkaloid in the fruit. So, by learning the content and variation of steroidal alkaloid, the best time of picking the fruit of Solalum Nigrum L. can be made sure. Factors such as the position where alkaloid is enriched, period of growth and sunlight should be considered when steroidal alkaloid derived from Solalum Nigrum L. is used as medicinal materials.
Fine Chemicals