本实验以北京鸭作为实验动物,对 HRP 法用于家禽外周神经的定位研究中的一些技术问题进行了探讨。认为(1)HRP 的浓度不能小于20%,在20%~30%之间较佳。(2)用于内脏神经的研究,动物存活时间22~36h 为宜。躯体运动神经以15~20h 为宜。(3)灌流时,固定液中多聚甲醛的量可适当增加,但后固定的时间也应做相应调整。(4)BDHC 法中硝普钠可减少到2g/100mL。
The HRP method has been widely used in the research of neuroana- tomy but innemurous in the research about peripheral nerves in the domestic birds.For the luther development of the research about neuroanatomy of the domestic birds,the experiment with Beijing white duck used as experimental animals has studied on some questions in research of neuroanatomy in domestic birds by HRP method.The results are as follow:1.Determining quantitatives of HRP:According to the size of the organ being injected with HRP to deter- mine quantitatives of HRP.The concentration of HRP must be above 20%.The optimal concentrations are 20%~30%.2.Survival time:22~36 h are sutible for the research of visceral nerves.In the research of somato-motor neurons the optim- al survival time are 15~20h.3.Fixtation with perfusion:The quantitatives of paraformaldehyde can be enhanced to 2%.The time of the postfixtation must be reduced simultaneously.The optimal time of the postfixtation is 2h.4.The con- centration of sucrose can be reduced to 5% with no influnee of lablling results. In blue reaction(BDHC)the quantitative of sodium nitroprusside being reduced to 2% is still sutible for the blue reaction.
HRP method
Beijing white duck
peripheral nerue