在对三门峡建库以前的历史资料分析和总结前人结论的基础上指出,造成渭河下游防洪形势严峻的主要原因是潼关高程的不断抬高。近两千年的历史资料证明,潼关断面附近河床年淤积厚度只有0.008 m。对三门峡建库以来资料分析证明,水库的高水位运用是造成潼关高程抬升的主要原因,水库的不同运用方式与潼关高程的变化有直接关系。综合分析认为,降低潼关高程是有可能的,在不明显降低三门峡水库综合运用效率的前提下,通过合理调度可以将潼关高程从现在的328 m至少降低2 m以上,这样可以使渭河下游堤防的防洪标准得到一定程度的恢复。本文还根据调查分析提出了降低潼关高程的几项具体建议。
Based on analysis of historical data before construction of the Sanmenxia Dam/Reservoir and a summary of the previous research, pointed out that the main cause for the serious situation of flood control in downstream of the Weihe River is the growing elevation at Tongguan site. Historical data of almost 2000 years showed that the annual sediment deposit was only 0. 008 m before the dam construction. After the reservoir use, high water level is the main cause of raising Tongguan elevation. The change of elevation is directly related to operation of the reservoir. Our comprehensive analysis concluded that it is possible to lower Tongguan elevation without a significant decrease of the reservoir operation efficiency. Through rational management, Tongguan elevation 328 m at present may be lowered by 2m. This will help recover the flood control level of downstream levee of the Weihe River. The paper also proposed several suggestion in lowering Tongguan elevation based on investigational analysis.
Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering
Tongguan elevation
Sanmenxia Reservoir
condition of water and sediment
downstream of Weihe River