范宁为东晋著名经学家,其所撰《春秋穀梁传集解》为现存《穀梁传》最早的注本, 与何休《春秋公羊解诂》、杜预《春秋经传集解》并称,是中国经学史上的重要著作,有极高的学术价值。该书汇集众家之说,并陈三传得失,书中体现出的“择善而从”、“据理通经”的治学态度,更是开启唐宋学者舍传求经,自由研讨的风气。此外范宁对《尚书》和礼学也有相当的研究。
FAN Ning, a famous scholar of classic studies in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 CE), wrote the Miscellaneous Notes on Guliang Zhuan .of the Spring and Autumn Annals which is the earliest of all the notes on Guliang Zhuan, and whose significance is equal to the Interpretation of Gongyang Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Annals by HE Xiu and the Collected Notes on the Spring and Autumn Annals by DU Yu. It is important both historically and academically. Fan Ning collected the miscellaneous notes that demonstrate the achievements and limitations of the three zhuan. The principles he proposed, namely, adhering to the good and interpreting the classics based on reason, brought about a new climate of intellectual and academic freedom to the scholars from the Tang to the Song Dynasty. In addition, Fan Ning also contributed greatly to the studies of Shang Shu and the Book of Rites.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
FAN Ning
study of the classics
Guliang Zhuan
Miscellaneous Notes to Guliang Zhuan of the Spring and Autumn Annals