A summary is made of the manifestations of dynamic CT scanning which wasperformed on 60 hepatoma and 40 hemangioma patients. The key point of differentiation lies inthe enhance patterns of the lesions. The lesions which show a slight enhancement in early peri-od, are hepatocelluar carcinomas(HCCs).If the lesions take on obvious enhancement , attentionshould be paid to whether there is delayed enhancement, which is the indication of hepatic he-mangioma(HHs ).In the case of mixed enhancement , notice should be given to enhancementdensity, which can be recognized either as HHs if it is as dense as that of the aorta, or as HCCsif it is not. In addition, the differentiation should be combined with delayed scanning. The de-layed enhancement with isodense filling were the features of HHs whereas HCCs possesses no de-layed enhancement. Our conclusion is that the improved dynamic method was simple, easy anddeserving of extensive use.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
Dynamic scanning,Contrast enhance pattern, Delayed enhancement , Isedensi-ty filling, Hepatocelluar carcinoma