
量子点:FRET的新发展 被引量:10

Quantum Dots:The New Development of FRET
摘要 荧光共振能量转移(FRET)技术作为一种高效的光学“分子尺”,在生物大分子相互作用、免疫分析、核酸检测等方面有广泛的应用。但是许多有机染料吸收光谱较窄而发射光谱较宽,并且光漂白现象比较严重,使得FRET的应用受到了限制,因此迫切需要寻找新的能量供-受体对。由于量子点(QDs)相对于有机染料有很多优点,可以较好地应用于FRET,可能成为FRET领域发展的一个有意义的新方向,近来已引起了人们的关注。本文就FRET的原理以及量子点应用于FRET的最新进展情况做了评述。 Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biological macromolecules, immunoassay, nucleic acid detection has broad applications in the study of the interactions of and so on. However many organic dyes conventionally used in FRET have functional limitations such as low resistance to photobleaching, narrow excitation bands coupled with broad emission bands, all of which have limited the development and the application of FRET. Therefore new pairs of energy donor and acceptor are needed. Because of the advantages over organic dyes, quantum dots (QDs) have expanded the range of FRET and have been considered as new and significant development trend of FRET nowadays. The theory of FRET and the applications of QDs in FRET are reviewed in this article.
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期337-343,共7页 Progress in Chemistry
关键词 荧光共振能量转移 量子点 生物大分子 fluorescence resonance energy transfer quantum dots biological maeromoleeules
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