Molecular markers such as SSRs, 5S rDNA and Alu-like were used to identify genuine progeny from Saccharum X E.arundinaceus and the backcross descendants in this study. The results showed that Microsatellite marker analysis is a reliable method and mSSCIR33 is a good prime pair for hybrid identification among the progenies. Although the 5S rDNA PCR is efficient in 'identifying F, progeny, its low level of polymorphism within these two species means it is not suitable for identifying hybrids from the backcross, it is not a reliable method of verifying whether the pedigree of E.arundinaceum existed among the putative hybrids from the backcross. Alu-like PCR method is fast and efficient in verifying whether the pedigree ofE. arundinaceus existed in putative hybrids, but it is not suitable for identifying hybrids, as Alu-like band is monomorphic.
Sugarcane and Canesugar