探讨护理干预对肛肠疾病患者健康行为形成的效果.对99例肛肠病患者分别于入院时与出院后3个月进行自身对照,用SPSS 11.0软件包进行统计学处理。结果干预后患者在建立健康行为指数,与干预前比较差异有统计学意义。结果表明.进行针对肛肠疾病发病因素的健康教育,对患者健康行为形成有积极影响。
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of nursing intervention on the formation of healthy behaviors in patients with coloproctological diseases. The status of 99 such cases examined both at hospitalization and 3 monthes after discharge were compared and statistically analized with SPSS 11.0 soft wear. Results showed that the healthy behavior indexes had statistical significance (indexes before nursing intervention vs indexes after nnrsing intervention). This reveals that health education aiming at the pathogenic factors of coloproctological diseases is of active influence on patients' healthy behavior formation.
Chinese Journal of Coloproctology