
浙江天童常见植物幼树器官的氮磷养分特征 被引量:18

Saplings Nutrient Characteristics of Common Plants in Tiantong National Forest Park
摘要 对浙江天童39种常见植物幼树的养分分配研究表明:常绿阔叶幼树中叶养分含量为:N1.059%~2.896%,P0.069%~0.126%,落叶阔叶幼树叶的养分含量为:N1.868%~3.254%,P0.092%~0.186%,针叶树马尾松幼树叶的养分含量为:N1.874%,P0.078%,植物不同器官营养含量不同,叶中N和P含量明显高于其它器官,茎和根中N和P的含量较低.通过ANOVA分析可知,不同生活型植物叶中N和P含量差异显著,落叶阔叶树种养分含量高于常绿阔叶树种,而枝、茎和根中N和P含量差异不显著;常绿阔叶树种不同生活型植物N和P含量存在一定差异,常绿阔叶乔木树种N和P含量高于常绿阔叶灌木树种.利用PCA和聚类分析发现,该地区不同演替阶段优势种养分含量具有相似性,根据不同器官养分含量特征,演替系列上的常见种的养分利用策略可分为3种类型,即“快生长策略”、“养分保留策略”及其它类型;植物不同器官中N和P含量均存在相关性,但相关程度在不同器官中表现不同,其相关系数大小为:叶〉茎〉枝〉根;不同器官吸收N和P存在正相关关系. The investigation of nutrient contents of 39 common species was carried out in Tian tong National Forest Park. The results reveal that the leaf N contents of evergreen-broad leaved trees range from 1. 059% to 2. 896% ,P contents range from 0. 069% to 0. 126%, the leaf N contents of deciduous-broad leaved trees range from 1. 868% to 3. 254%, and P contents range from 0. 092% to 0. 186%. The leaf N contents of coniferous tree Pinus massoniana is 1. 874% (N), and the P contents of 0. 078 %. Average nutrient contents in all organs are different, average nutrient contents in stem and root are lower,and the leave are highest among organs. N and P contents are closely correlated in different organs. Deciduous broad leaved species have consistently higher leaf N and P than evergreen broad leaved species, but there are no significant differences in stems,branches and roots, The nutrient contents of trees are higher than shrubs among evergreen broadleaved species. According to nutrient contents, the common and dominant species in different succession stages can be classified into three groups, nanmely, the rapid growth strategy group, the nutrient retention strategy group and the other group. In addition, there is a correlated relationship between N and P contents in different organs and the correlation cofficient is in the order: leaf;〉 stem;〉branch〉root. The positive relationship between N and P for the need of different organs is also observed.
出处 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期121-129,共9页 Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金(30130060)
关键词 常见种 幼树 养分特征 common species sapling nutrient status
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