AIMS To study the changes of serum phosphonate esterase and other serum enzymes in experimental liver fibrosis in rats. METHODS Liver fibrosis model was inducd in SD rats by injection of 40% CCl 4, 1.0ml/kg body weight, subscutaneously, twice a week for 14 weeks. The animals were sacrificed in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14 weeks respectively. Serum and liver phosphonate esterase (PE), phosphodiesterase Ⅰ (PDE Ⅰ), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine tranasaminase (ALT), hyaluronate(HA) and glycocholic acid (GC) were detected. RESULTS The serum PE, PDE Ⅰ and GC were gradually increased during fibrosis of liver. After 14 weeks of CCl 4 injection, the serum PE, PDE Ⅰ activities in fibrosis group were elevated twofold compared with control group. CONCLUSIONS Serum PE, PDE Ⅰ may be used as new markers for liver fibrosis or cirrhosis.
liver cirrhosis/enzymology phosphoric monoester hydrolases/blood phosphoric diester hydrolases/blood