After feeding with 3 H- and. 2 Hlabeled GA1 and GA3, no labled GA87or GA32was detected by GC-MS afterHPLC. It was confirmed that GA32 wasnot biosynthesized from GA3 via GA87in either fruitlets or shoots of cherry.That GA1 was converted to GA8 andGA3 to GA3-isolactone was confirmedin both cherry shoots and fruitlets. Twounknown GA spectra were obtained byGC-MS from labeled metabolites ofGAl and GA3 in cherry fruitlets after48 h and 96 h of incubation (Fig. 1 ),but not in the shoots. On the contrary,an unidentified labeled metubolite ofGA1 found in shootS was not detectedin fruitlets (Fig. 2 ). Therefore, it canbe. concluded that juvenile and matureshootS differed only in the amont ofGA metubolites, while vegetative andreproductive tissues differed in the kindof them.