Lasioseius jilinensis sp. nov. (Figs. 1-5)The new species near to Lasioseius nomus Athias-Henriot, 1959, but the dorsal setae of the new species broader, with longitudinal vein,both lateral margins saw-tooth shaped,except F2 and ET2; in female,concavity of posterior margin of sternal shield deeper than that of Lasioseius nomus; tectum 2 or 3 tines;,PA longer than Ad.Holotype l, paratypes 2 1 4, ex the nest of Mus musculus Linnaeus, from Shell(45'33' N, 123'23' E), Daan County, Jinn Province, May, 1963.2 Lasforeius daanensis sp. nov. (Figs. 6--9)The new species can be distinguished from the similar species Lasioseius pendremus Nasret Abou--Awad, 1987 by: dorsal shield bearing 32 pairs of setae, tiny thorns on whichsparse; presternal shields present; peritrematal, shields straight posteriorly; both internaland external metapodalia elliptical, linked or very 'close to each other.Holotype l, paratypes 5 1 l,ex the nest of Cndetulus barabensis (Pallas), from An-guang (45'35' N, 123'46' E) Daan County, Jinn Province,July to Aug. 1959.3 Cheiroseius taoanensis sp. nov. (Figs. 10--14)The new species is similar to Cheiroseius necorniger (Oudemans, 1903), but differs fromthe latter in: in female,dorsal setae situated on small tubercles; metasternalia oval; genitalshield longer and narrower I the first pair of preanal setae on ventro--anal shield placed anteri-or to the level of the second pair, the third pair placed at the level of Ad.Holotype l,paratypes 2 1 l,ex the nest of Cheetulus barabensic(Pallas),from TaoanCounty (45'20' N, 122'46' E), Jinn Province, May 1969.All type specimens are deposited in the National Base of Plague and Brucellosis Control(Baicheng City,Jilin Province).
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica