Using a nanoscale silica fiber taper,light can be efficiently coupled into a single ZnO nanowire by means of evanescent coupling. The method is valid for launching light into a single nanowire in the ultraviolet to infrared range with a coupling efficiency of 25%, Low-loss optical guiding of ZnO nanowires is demonstrated, and the photoluminescence of a single ZnO nanowire is also observed. Compared to conventional approaches in which a lensfocused laser beam is used to excite nanowires at specific wavelengths,this evanescent coupling approach has advantages such as high coupling efficiency and broad-band validity, and it is promising for the optical characterization of semiconductor nanowires or nanoribbons.
使用纳米氧化硅光纤探针,利用倏逝波耦合方法,将紫外到红外的激光成功地耦合进单根ZnO纳米线,耦合效率可达25 %.实验观测了单根纳米线的荧光特性,发现ZnO纳米线光传输损耗很低.研究证明:采用透镜聚焦激发纳米线发光的传统耦合方法,只能使用特殊激发波长的光;而倏逝波耦合方法具有高效、适用性强的特点,在半导体纳米线和纳米带的光学特性研究中有广泛的应用前景.