研究表明,苜蓿蛋白在青贮过程中及反刍家畜瘤胃内大部分被降解为非蛋白氮(Nonprotein Nitrogen,NPN),而NPN不能被反刍家畜有效利用,造成苜蓿青贮蛋白的严重浪费。本文从抑制苜蓿在青贮过程中蛋白水解的方法及提高瘤胃微生物对苜蓿青贮降解蛋白的利用等方面论述了如何有效地提高反刍家畜特别是奶牛对苜蓿青贮蛋白利用率以及目前存在的问题。
Studies indicated that proteolysis of alfalfa silage true protein is excessive during ensiling and in the rumen, which rend the true protein transfonned into non - protein nitrogen (NPN) .The NPN is poorly utilized by ruminants. In this paper the methods on effective utilization of alfalfa silage protein by ruminants especially by dairy cattle and problems need to further study were expounded in detail.
Grass-Feeding Livestock