
禾本科植物自交不亲和性及其分子生物学研究进展 被引量:8

Self-incompatibility in Poaceae and its Advancement in Molecular Biological Research
摘要 禾本科植物自交不亲和性是禾本科植物中广泛存在的一种生殖隔离现象,有利于防止近交衰退、保持遗传变异。已报道自交不亲和禾本植物有着相同的自交不亲和系统,是一种特殊的配子体自交不亲和类型,和单一位点控制的自交不亲和性不同,其不亲和性由非连锁的两个复等位基因位点S和Z控制。自交不亲和反应中涉及了花粉蛋白质的磷酸化、Ca2+浓度的变化和蛋白激酶的参与,因此可能存在着复杂的信号传导级联反应,详细机制尚不清楚。目前S、Z基因的克隆和编码产物的鉴定均未有成功的报道,天蓝虉草可作为禾本自交不亲和性研究的一个模式作物,运用分离群体和比较基因组学方法构建S与Z位点的精细连锁图谱,以对自交不亲和基因进行图位克隆,是当前禾本科植物自交不亲和性研究的一个方向和热点。 Self-incompatibility (SI) is widespread among the Poaceae species and considered to be one of the most important strategies developed by flowering plants to promote outcrossing and maintain genetic variability. The Poaceae share a commom and special garnetophytic self-incompatibility system, which is under the control of two unlinked loci: S and Z. Phosphorylation of pollen proteins, alteration of Ca^2+ lever and protein kinase are related to self-incompatibility reaction, it imply that there are complex signal transduction cascade interactions, which is currently under investigation. Currently, neither cloning S and Z gene nor identifying their products was successful. Phalaris coerulescens can be used as a model plant to study SI in the Poaceae. Segregating population and comparative genomics strategy were used to map S and Z, constructing high-resolution mapping of the target loci so that map base clone S and Z genes. It is a research orientation and hot spot of self-incompatibility in Poaceae.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期269-274,共6页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家863计划项目(2002AA207008)资助.
关键词 禾本科 自交不亲和性 S基因 Z基因 分子机制 Poaceae, Self-incompatibility, S gene, Z gene, Molecular mechanism
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