Objective: To investigate whether left ventrieular function could benefits from regional ischemie preconditioning (rIP) by reduce myocardial injury in patients undergoing elective off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. Method: Nineteen patients with preceding rIP were compared with 17 patients without it. The rIP group underwent two additional myocardial regional ischemia of left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) at the beginning of revaseularization operation, before the isehemic period used for the first coronary artery bypass graft distal anastomosis: that were a 2-minute period of ischemie followed by a 3 minute reperfusion period, then a 5-minute period of ischemia followed by a 5-minute reperfusion period. Result: Registration included hemodynamic data from the peripheral artery and the pulmonary artery, rip resulted in a complete recovery of the cardiac index, the mean stroke volume index and left ventricular stroke work index after the operation. At sixth hour and on the first postoperative day after the operation, the increase in the mean heart rate was also significantly lower in the rIP group. The mean artery pressure, the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and the systemic vascular resistance did not reach statistic significant between the groups. Conclusion: The two cycles of regional 2 min rIP followed by 3 min reperfusion, then 5 min rIP followed 5 min reperfusion in the LAD proved to be applicable and safe in patients undergoing off-pump myocardial revaseularization, it protect patients against irreversible myocyte injury as manitest by tended to improve left ventricular function and prohibited the postoperative increase in heart rate.
Journal of Clinical Cardiology
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
Regional ischemic preeonditioning
Left ventricular function
Myocardial protection